We understand that some athletes, due to schedules and locale, can’t be based with us for a whole season, but still want world-class coaching based on their schedule. Whether they are pro riders that need a progression camp scenario, a young up and comer from out of state or country who still wants to be a part of our program, or simply someone who needs something customized, our range of a-la-carte services are the answer.
Weekly rate – 5 days per week $1000 (working in with SAS Program)
Competition Coaching - $250 per day (working in with SAS Program)
Monthly rate- $3750 per month (working in with SAS Program)
Customized Camp – Price on application
Private Coaching - $400 per day.
Coaching is not the only service that we offer. SAS wants to build complete athletes, and offer a range of other services to our clients:
Acrobatic Training: Using the world-class facility at Woodward at Copper, acrobatic training will be a scheduled and important part of learning new tricks in a safe and sensible environment, following a logical progression for building elite skills.
Strength and Conditioning Programming: Through the cooperation with our partners like Nakoa Fitness, our athletes will have access to world-class, action sport-specific programming and assessment. This will include in-season options as well as summer S&C Camps.
Media Training and Presentation Skills: We are lucky to have Katy Temple Coaching as a partner with our program. During the season, we will run a set of seminars designed to teach our athletes’ presentation skills and media training. Not only are these skills key within the action sports market place, but they also teach our kids life skills that will hold them in good stead all throughout their lives.
Social Media Development: Through our partnership with TwoTwoFour Media and Katy Temple Coaching, we can assist in building and developing social media content and management through Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms. By helping to build a solid social media presence, we can help our athletes grow followers, and reach the influencers and companies within the action sports market.
Business Skills Development: As our athletes develop as riders, they will reach the level where sponsorship is possible. We will help our athletes develop the skills to approach potential sponsors professionally, helping them to market themselves in a competitive market. Professionalism does not just apply to riding skills!
All these are customized so please reach out and we can an estimate for you.
Reach me now at ben@summitactionsports.com