Slopestyle & Half Pipe Full Time Program
Ages: 9 - 15 years old
Program Dates: (12/2/19 - 4/8/20)
Summit County, Colorado
Training Days: Monday - Friday + Competition Days
Season Passes Required: Epic Pass, Ikon Pass, and Woodward Barn Pass
Program Description:
Come and join the crew from Summit Action Sports for an incredible training project in Cardrona, New Zealand.
Our full-time program will train 5 days per week, in an environment centered around having fun while progressing with other athletes who have proven to excel and share the same vision and passion.
The performance outcome of the “SAS Shred” Program is the development of consistent and efficient riding at the greatest intensity possible. Athletes will begin to self-correct and refine their individual style.
SAS Shred takes a multidisciplinary approach to develop fundamental skills and movements. This will allow participants to realize their potential as an athlete and as a steward of the sport. Training days will be extremely individualized in their focus, as coaches support athletes to prepare for their individual goals.
Acrobatic training will be a very important part of the program, and we use our great partnership with Woodward at Copper to achieve this.
The program will be guided by Olympic Goal Medal Coach Ben Boyd. Ben has guided many of the world’s best to achieve incredible results on a world stage. He is excited to use this experience by helping to develop passionate, dedicated and excited junior athletes to become the best they can be.
Although slopestyle and halfpipe focused, our crew will be working on building elite free ride skills. We encourage our riders to enter all disciplines, and will build skills so that our athletes can reach success no matter the discipline!
This program is designed for those driven, passionate, talented kids that already know that snowboard is their athletic path.
Other Services included within the Program:
Acrobatic Training: Using the world-class facility at Woodward at Copper, acrobatic training will be a scheduled and important part of learning new tricks in a safe and sensible environment, following a logical progression for building elite skills.
Strength and Conditioning Programming: Through the cooperation with our partners like Nakoa Fitness, our athletes will have access to world-class, action sport-specific programming and assessment. This will include in-season options as well as summer S&C Camps.
Media Training and Presentation Skills: We are lucky to have Katy Temple Coaching as a partner with our program. During the season, we will run a set of seminars designed to teach our athletes’ presentation skills and media training. Not only are these skills key within the action sports market place, but they also teach our kids life skills that will hold them in good stead all throughout their lives.
Social Media Development: Through our partnership with TwoTwoFour Media and Katy Temple Coaching, we can assist in building and developing social media content and management through Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms. By helping to build a solid social media presence, we can help our athletes grow followers, and reach the influencers and companies within the action sports market.
Business Skills Development: As our athletes develop as riders, they will reach the level where sponsorship is possible. We will help our athletes develop the skills to approach potential sponsors professionally, helping them to market themselves in a competitive market. Professionalism does not just apply to riding skills!
Prices: Cost:$15000
Early enrollment discount (paid in full by August 15th): 15%
Early enrollment discount (paid in full by September 15th): 10%
Financial Options: Payment plan offered. Inquire for details.
Application Process:
Please email Ben Boyd at ben@actionsportssummit.com for an application form.
To be accepted to the program, an interview with the athlete AND family will be used to assess the rider’s suitability for the program, as well as assuring that the family and our program have a philosophy and vision that mesh in the best interest of the rider. Ultimately, we want our riders to succeed as people AND athletes, and will always guide them towards the best solutions, regardless if it's our program or not.
On acceptance, a non- refundable deposit of $1500 will be required to hold the spot.
Other Information:
SAS runs camps throughout the year. As part of the benefits of being in our program, our FULL-TIME athletes get these camps at cost.
We choose to start our program in the first week of December. There are a couple of reasons for this:
We want to ensure that Colorado has facilities and snow to make training and worthwhile.
We believe that the family unit is an important part of a rider’s success and that they need those important family times. Starting after Thanksgiving allows our riders to celebrate all the major holidays, with their families!
To supplement this, we run a 2-week camp in Kitzsteinhorn Resort in Kaprun, Austria from November 4th– November 18th. This gets our riders ready for the season so that they come into Colorado with some freestyle skills already under their belts.
Our aim is on the long-term development of the athlete. This means looking at snowboarding as a year-round endeavor.
It is expected that our riders attend some camps in summer with SAS. Details will be provided during the season.
We will be doing a 2-week camp in Laax from January 19th– February 10th2020. (Subject to weather, terrain and athlete interest).
Each family will sign a contract that outlines the working relationship with SAS, the payment structure and the responsibilities of both parties. This leads to a professional and crystal-clear relationship that ultimately benefits both parties.
Summit County, Colorado
Training Days: Monday - Friday + Competition Days
Season Passes Required: Epic Pass, Ikon Pass, and Woodward Barn Pass
Program Description:
Designed for those PRO Snowboard AND Ski athletes that need coaching or supplemental coaching as they focus on World Cups, Pro events and other benchmark events.
Focusing on half pipe AND slopestyle, SAS will provide you with support and personalized coaching that will help you achieve your goals.
With a proven track record and results at the highest level, including Olympics, X Games, Dew Tour and World Cups, allow Ben Boyd and Brett Esser to help you plan out your season, hit your benchmarks and reach your goals.
SAS has prepared athletes for success at its highest levels. We have produced gold medalists in the Olympics, X Games, Dew Tours, World Cups Burton Opens and World Championships.
Our coaching staff has either competed or coached at the highest level and we have an intimate knowledge of what it takes, from riding to planning, to make it to the top.
Board preparation, teaching and waxing (if desired)
Access to BSC partners so no stone is left unturned.
Coaching at events (If needed. Extra coaching cost for travel, accommodation etc. won't be applied)
Athlete representation at TX meetings (if needed)
Competition run planning.
Training plan.
Updates on rankings and requirements for qualification.
Liaison with National Associations (if needed).
$1000 per week (training and comps)
$750 event only
Note: Custom seasonal and yearly plans can also be created if you are looking the ultimate in professionalism and progression.
Financial Options: Payment plan offered. Inquire for details.
Application Process:
Please email Ben Boyd at ben@actionsportssummit.com for an application form.
To be accepted to the program, an interview with the athlete AND family will be used to assess the rider’s suitability for the program, as well as assuring that the family and our program have a philosophy and vision that mesh in the best interest of the rider. Ultimately, we want our riders to succeed as people AND athletes, and will always guide them towards the best solutions, regardless if it's our program or not.
On acceptance, a non- refundable deposit of $1500 will be required to hold the spot.
Program Dates: December 2019 - April 2020